Steroids are used alot in boxing ,mainly because of the time frame between fights.
There is no doubt the gains that can be made from steroid usage.
Ive never used, but wot ive seen first hand,there mentally addictive, not nessarilly dangerous if done properly.
Wot ive seen is use is started with all the knowledge,safty and good intentions to start with. But after the first cycle and then slower natural gains, steroids are used again, and then again and then more and then more frequently,,,so on and so on.
Steriods are addictive, if not chemically like chasing a high with any other drug, then mentally addictive,like gambling.
From my experiance of veiwing steriod use ask yourself the question set a goal to deadlift 150kg, you hit it, then wot? you stop? NO you set a new goal even higher.
We started lifting to get stronger, maybe be the best at something or look the best, goals always move. Theres no such thing as just once or just one cycle because we constantly want to improve.
Thats why i beleive steroids are dangerous,and gareer you can have all the information and do steroids correctly but as humans were week ,greedy and competative, which leads to the abuse of steroids.