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Getting back to lifting


New member
Hi everyone,

I am looking into getting back to lifting after a hiatus of almost a year. I lifted fairly seriously for 12 months a while back but stopped due to moving o/s for work and having a nomadic life!

Now I am home for good, I want to get back into it with this full body routine to get my strength and size back up. Is this routine any good:


Squat 			3 x 8
Bench Press 		3 x 8
Barbell Bentover Row	3 x 8
Dips			3 x 8
Plate Situp		3 x 


Deadlift		3 x 6
Military Press		3 x 8
Wide Grip Pull Up	3 x 8
Hammer Curl		3 x 8
Calf Raises 		3 x 12


Squat			3 x 8
Bench Press		3 x 8
Barbell Bentover Row	3 x 8
Close Grip Bench Press	3 x 8
Rope Pull Down		2 x 10

I will tack on about 15-25 min of HIIT cardio after every workout.
I am Male, 188cm and 96kg ~18% BF.

I did one session to see how my numbers were and managed the following:
Squat: 65kg x 12
Deadlift: 60kg x 12 (could have gone heavier but was not too confident in my form and have a history of a bad lower back).
Bench: 70kg x 8

Please critique and suggest improvements.
Program looks fairly decent to me, except that there appears to be more upperbody pushing than upper body pulling, so it may lead to some imbalances over time.
Thanks for the feedback. I will move The Rope Pulldowns from Friday to Monday & on Friday perform 3 x 8 Chinups.

[Changes marked in bold]


Squat 3 x 8
Bench Press 3 x 8
Barbell Bentover Row 3 x 8
Dips 3 x 8
Rope Pull Down 2 x 10
Plate Situp 3 x


Deadlift 3 x 6
Military Press 3 x 8
Wide Grip Pull Up 3 x 8
Hammer Curl 3 x 8
Calf Raises 3 x 12


Squat 3 x 8
Bench Press 3 x 8
Barbell Bentover Row 3 x 8
Close Grip Bench Press 3 x 8
Chinups 3 x 8
look s ok..Give it a whirl.

Start a log so you can keep track of progress.

Best of luck.