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Are they really advocating 3 exercises 3 days a week?

Due to the nature of it's intensity 3 days per week is all thats required.
Haven't we been over this before?
Do it as per instructions and use the attached spreedsheet and it's an awesome program.
Yeah people went over it BUT... I figured it was more than that. i just wanted to double check.
Kindred, you really ain't reading the instructions are you? if you had you would know that there is a downloadable spreadsheet towards the end on the instructions.
To find kgs just divide pounds by .45

Compounds are good for packing on mass, I think a lot of would be lifters get caught up in people putting their 25 sets of isolation programs on the net thinking that's the way to go. Garbage. Lift heavy, add mass.
Today is the start of week 9, it a killer work out. Simple easy to understand (with the spreadsheet, converted to kilos) program that works

I'll be doing a 3 day split for 9 weeks, a week off then back to the 5x5, a week off then the 3 day split and so on.

Give it go, its awsome
Well done Mike for completing it. Not many people do, they usually give up after a week or 2. The only thing I change when I do it is I add some direct calf work sually on Saturday with some cardio. I need to other wise they lag behind my quads.
Mike, about how long does the workout take? Have SERIOUS time constraints at the moment and looking for smart options.

For me it used to take about 60-70 mins but you can rest less between sets so i can imagine completing a workout in about 40 mins.

Persoanlly I like to be fully recovered before taking on the next set since I'm not after any type of cardio or endurance workout.
Mike, about how long does the workout take? Have SERIOUS time constraints at the moment and looking for smart options.
I haven't really timed it, but Fri is the heaviest day and takes me about an hour.
I guess it also depends on if you do the "assistance" exercises, which I do. On Fri they are
3 sets weighted dips 5-8 reps
3 sets barbell curls x 8 reps
3 sets tricep extensions x 8 reps
There are assistance exercises for Mon ans Wed too.

Wed is the easiest day and takes 30 - 40 mins.

Its a really good workout and the time depends alot on how long you rest between sets.
why not try it for a week and time yourself?
ima start on wednesday i hurt my knee the other day its ok now but fihure ill give it 2 more days rest