Nothing fancy.
Breakfast, 0700
750 calories, 25g protein, 18g fat
- oats with honey
- glass of milk
Lunch, 1200
varies a lot, but averages 600cal, 10g protein, 10g fat
- sandwich with roast vegetables
- pasta/rice with vegetables
- vegetable soup & bread
and of course fruit
Post-workout snack, 1700
380cal, 29g protein, 26g fat
- three eggs mixed with 300ml milk
- fruit
Dinner, 1830
averages 600cal, 10g protein, 10g fat
- similar to lunch, usually dinner leftovers make lunch tomorrow
and yes, fruit
Thus in all, 2,330cal, 74g protein, 64g fat
Common lunch/dinner meals are,
- yellow pea dahl with rice
- pumpkin soup
- minestrone
- vegetarian chilli (lots of tomato and beans) with rice or tortillas
- vegetable pasta sauce & pasta
- tuna pasta sauce
- stir-fried vegies with noodles
- curry laksa with eggplant and chicken
For indulgence snacks I have plain biscuits (arrowroot, etc) with coffee, cooking chocolate, licorice. I choose these because they're sweet and nice, but I find I don't scoff heaps of them. I'll have two biscuits, or four little blocks of chocolate and be happy. They add about 100cal and 5g of fat a day, but I don't have them every day.
I do drink coffee, but don't smoke, and while I love beer and wine, in practice I only have it about two days a month - some party I go to, and/or some dinner I host. And then I have at most four standard drinks.
The calories are a bit low, however I have some body fat to lose. It's been effective. I was 83kg @ 178cm tall in February, and am 77-78kg now, with waist measurement going from 95cm to 85cm. At the moment I'm still happily building strength and muscular size, but I expect I might have to boost the protein later on.