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Wanting to get into strength training and fitness and unfortunately I do not have the space for the power rack/barbell/bench etc that would be needed in such a program.

I got an awning outside... but to fit a nice quality gym 'outdoor' where wind blows and sand/dust ends up... it is not a good idea for me.

Given that, I thought about going a different route.

Kettlebells and possibly medicine balls (if it is good to have both).

These are easy to store, I can line them up against the wall inside the house.

I am essentially wanting to train for cardiovascular (lung capacity), core strength and over all power. I'm not gonna be the next Ironman but that sort of fitness/shape/strength which to me leans more on fitness level with a biproduct of good size/shape and strength with very good power.

Can kettlebells and medicine balls alone give me a full body workout for strength/power and overall fitness?

If yes...

What kind of routine do I need for those?
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Yeah the boys over at Dave Draper (Dan John) forum have some very nice templates utilizing KB's
Circuits are the way to go.
There is actually some pretty clearly laid out.workouts further.down the page mate.

How heavy is your KB? Id get an adjustable one.
4kg - 32kg.

If it was clear i wouldnt be asking.

Obviously clear to those who know what it all means. To me it said nothing in regards what i should do, how long do you rest or anything.

So what i do 20 swings goblet squats 20 swings etc without any rest between until i hit 500 swings?

Didnt understand any of it as its not laid out that way to be understood. Hence i asked.

Tried to research dan john. No details to contact him and ask and theres 100s of stuff writen which again leaves me so what do i do?
kbs are a gimmick they are older than dirt.

they are ergonomic in their design but not as good as a barbell because with a barbell you can add plates as you get stronger, you can add rep's to a certain point with kbs after which you start living in overuse world.

kbs are ok for older trainees.

so if you are healthy and young man-up and lift barbells

sets and rep's and how often you workout is dictated by your ability to recover between workouts good luck
I agree with the Old Boys.

Pick up a barbell and start getting stronger.

Learn how to lift. There is a literal goldmine online if you know what you are looking at. Find something, post it here, we'll advise. Repeat.


Reaearch more.

Read everything Dan John has every written.
Read everything that Brooks Kubik has written.
Read everything that Paul Anderson has written.
Read fucken everything that Doug Hepburn, John Grimek.

I could literally 1000 names. But you'll find through the above legends writtings.

If you dont understand something, ask here.

Did i mention research?

No offense intended but you guys seem really stupid.

First of all, to say research, thats what I been doing and hence i came up with what I did.

2nd: you say if something is not clear to post here... thats what my first post was and did anyone elaborate on it? Nope, you just had a monkey ask if i wanted a spoon and another say to post here (which i did), so how dumb are you?

I dont need go google. This is a forum to ask things that are not clear, if you uneducated fools dont like people asking then shut this forum down, obviously serves no purpose.

Worst forum i ever seen. Clowns in every sense of the word and probably highschool dropouts.

Go learn how to answer what people ask rather than give them a round of go research. Bunch of tools.

Whoever is an admin, delete my account. Dont wanna be associated with this low class socially rejected crap.
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No offense intended but you guys seem really stupid.

..... you just had a monkey ask if i wanted a spoon and another say to post here (which i did), so how dumb are you?

..... if you uneducated fools dont like people asking then shut this forum down, obviously serves no purpose.

Worst forum i ever seen. Clowns in every sense of the word and probably highschool dropouts.

....... Bunch of tools.

Whoever is an admin, delete my account. Dont wanna be associated with this low class socially rejected crap.


they thrive on these kinds of posts you know mate. :D

Oops wait, he probably meant ALL of us :(

Hey [MENTION=6722]Bazza20[/MENTION]; looks like one of Mickey's relatives joined the Forum!
No offense intended but you guys seem really stupid.

First of all, to say research, thats what I been doing and hence i came up with what I did.

2nd: you say if something is not clear to post here... thats what my first post was and did anyone elaborate on it? Nope, you just had a monkey ask if i wanted a spoon and another say to post here (which i did), so how dumb are you?

I dont need go google. This is a forum to ask things that are not clear, if you uneducated fools dont like people asking then shut this forum down, obviously serves no purpose.

Worst forum i ever seen. Clowns in every sense of the word and probably highschool dropouts.

Go learn how to answer what people ask rather than give them a round of go research. Bunch of tools.

Whoever is an admin, delete my account. Dont wanna be associated with this low class socially rejected crap.
If you researched anything at all, you'd have found the answers pretty easily mate.


I am essentially wanting to train for cardiovascular (lung capacity), core strength and over all power.

Can kettlebells and medicine balls alone give me a full body workout for strength/power and overall fitness?

You can achieve overall power and strength without having to use either kettlebells or medicine balls. Before becoming an Olympic weightlifter and then a bodybuilder, I used to be a gymnast. Using/lifting your own bodyweight, with a focus on leverage to increase the intensity of a particular exercise, will lead to some incredible muscle strength. You mentioned your core muscles. Have you given the plank exercise a go before, it would really test the level of your core strength, both the posterior as well as the anterior..., simultaneously!

Have you ever given burpees a go? This exercise is very dynamic, needing all the power your body can master in a very explosive manner...., it's also one of the best (if not actually THE best) exercise for improving your cardio-respiratory system all at the same time.

You may simply start with these two fundamental movement for the first week, aiming to improve day by day by adding few more seconds to your plank holds, whilst increasing the burpees repetitions by just one rep starting tomorrow Monday, and finishing next Sunday with 7 more reps total.

Let me know what you think about what I've shared with you so far.

Thank you.
Wow looks like gerry got a new account !!! Seriously if you are not a troll then maybe take a good look in the mirror. You accuse members of being uneducated but cant even read or comprehend some basic workouts, either that or your are just too fken lazy to work it out. Next thing you will want someone to do the workout for you as well.