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I get where your coming from.
My mom went to her doc for frequent constipation and he wrote a prescription. I asked her how much water she was drinking and she said she hardly ever does (Pepsi fan) but the doctor didnt ask her anything about it so it prob doesn't matter.
Well I told her to just do some research, they attend many patients a day,week,month. Sometimes they fluke like anyone at their job and forget to ask things. When she went to pick up the prescription it said to take with lots of water. go figure.
I agree with the Naturopath statement but I don't think all of them are quacks. Go to both, get all bases covered you'll feel better.

For a naturopath not to be a considered a quack they would have to disregard pretty much everything to do with naturopathy. So i suppose its possible but there not really a naturopath anymore.
You have to remember that doctors are very busy and have much more important problems with other patients to sort out. If you're going to the doctor about trivial shit then you're taking time away from someone that actually needs it.

Luckily, my Dad is a GP and I can just ring him up if I ever get a problem, but there are plenty of medical forums out there that doctors go on where they can answer these sorts of questions and if it is something that isn't completely trivial then they will always tell you to go to your doctor
Again I asked how i could boost my immune system and he told me there isnt anything specific that can boost my immune system then gave me piece of paper telling me which cold & flu tablets to get and said cya. Even my dad would say eat more fruit or something which is way more helpful then the doctor and wouldnt cost me 48 bucks

So, he answered all your questions, with correct answers, and you mad?

I don't get why you're angry? Did you expect him to magically change the way the body works and give you a medication to increase your immune system? Or convince you some overpriced supplement actually does increase your immune system?
I went to a doctor and he told me 100 Free Test is Normal. *5*
If there was a place about getting doctors fired I would start a report on him saying how much of a ******* he is. Words cant explain how angry i am with doctors in Aust.
3 blood test providing evidence that test is low and they refuse to help or give TRT.
Doctors don't understand the importance of training to an individual, instead they would tell you to go away and make you suffer.
I train 4-5days a week with low test and he asked if I was shooting up because 100 is crazy high...
I have never been so disinterested in my whole entire life, Trying to get help in Australia is almost 1/100.
Seems like the only way to get a message across is if you do something extreme like hang yourself from a bridge with a note around your neck saying what the problem is, and then its too late.

I hate doctors with a passion PUNCH EM IN THE FACE.. i want to fire them all and make them all re-study under my law and make sure they know there shit before they choose a job that they have no idea about.
Its like a Personal trainer who only trains once a week because hes lazy, GTFO bro you dont have what it takes so choose a new career.
I went to a doctor and he told me 100 Free Test is Normal. *5*
If there was a place about getting doctors fired I would start a report on him saying how much of a ******* he is. Words cant explain how angry i am with doctors in Aust.
3 blood test providing evidence that test is low and they refuse to help or give TRT.
Doctors don't understand the importance of training to an individual, instead they would tell you to go away and make you suffer.
I train 4-5days a week with low test and he asked if I was shooting up because 100 is crazy high...
I have never been so disinterested in my whole entire life, Trying to get help in Australia is almost 1/100.
Seems like the only way to get a message across is if you do something extreme like hang yourself from a bridge with a note around your neck saying what the problem is, and then its too late.

I hate doctors with a passion PUNCH EM IN THE FACE.. i want to fire them all and make them all re-study under my law and make sure they know there shit before they choose a job that they have no idea about.
Its like a Personal trainer who only trains once a week because hes lazy, GTFO bro you dont have what it takes so choose a new career.

What do you think it should be?
Too the doctor-bashers: it's called the "bell curve", Gaussian (or normal) distribution. Fact is, in a population of doctors the majority are going to be exceedingly average. It's the same in any profession and other aspects of life. Unfortunately, when it comes to doctors everyone expects them all to be in the top 5%. You can see the problem.

Told the doctor ive had the flu 3 times

For the guy with the flu, 3x a year actually seems pretty standard, but I always get on an echinacea and garlic (or similar) product during flu season. Great for immunity, reducing length and severity of illness but it's not a symptom suppressor when you do get ill. Because they seem so unremarkable like that, people tend to disregard herbal supplements. Guess what? Your cold + flu tablets are essentially panadol.
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what the hell bazza u idiot my last blog on getting sick u told me if i kept getting sick i should go to the doctor and find out why i did that and got absolutely fuck all out of it except a hole in my wallet.

Cmon Man. I'd take Barry's Medical opinion over a Doctors any day. Barry's pretty cluey.
Since the thread title is direct, well I have.
She wasn't a GP or anything, she worked at the Melbourne morgue hacking up dead kunce, but still a doctor so it counts.
Found that creepy as hell, I called her "the butcher" but never to her face.
Depends on the doctor. I have a good one that looks after my medical conditions but does not over-treat.
It's ridiculous that someone like yourself is denied that yet the available of gender reassignment/Hormone use to intentially change someone's gender. A complete double standard.

I bet if they took a moment to actually listen to how it makes you feel you would sooner be pescribed Anti-d instead

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It's ridiculous that someone like yourself is denied that yet the available of gender reassignment/Hormone use to intentially change someone's gender. A complete double standard.

I bet if they took a moment to actually listen to how it makes you feel you would sooner be pescribed Anti-d instead

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

this bothers me a lot too but i think they still have to for psychological assessments and some other steps before theyncan get hormones. don't know if the GP just gives them out progynova or zumenon so easily. there are trans specialists and health centres for them to go to.
;753478 said:
this bothers me a lot too but i think they still have to for psychological assessments and some other steps before theyncan get hormones. don't know if the GP just gives them out progynova or zumenon so easily. there are trans specialists and health centres for them to go to.
I don't disagree that it would be quite a process but it is possible and rightly so people's gender should be reflected in their sex. Just like if ypu are a male you should have the appropriate hormones.

I was referred to a psych and within the first session the pad was out and in my niavity i took it without question

Good luck mate

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