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New Forum "General Fitness Training"


Administrator. Graeme
Staff member
Not everyone wants to be a BodyBuilder or get into PowerLifting and doing weight training. There are those out there that have been watching "biggest loser" and are now wanting to get a bit more fitter and shredding those extra killo's

Which is where the new Forum "General Fitness Training" comes in , this forum you can discuss topics on advice, tips, etc on General Fitness,HIIT, cardio, Bodyweight Training,Interval Training and other such topics
Not everyone wants to be a BodyBuilder or get into PowerLifting and doing weight training. There are those out there that have been watching "biggest loser" and are now wanting to get a bit more fitter and shredding those extra killo's
Why would those people search the word "BODYBUILDING" in Google and find this place to begin with? Why would they search for or join a forum that's 90% about weight training?

It doesn't make sense.
ah it makes perfect sense , as they don't have to type in bodybuilding to find this place , just have to type in the keywords that google has listed and they'll find the joint

Ausbb - Australian Bodybuilding has many great listings in google not just on the word "bodybuilding" but other keywords too , while "bodybuilding is one of our main ones it's not the only one

If you build it they will come
Plus not everyone is just interested in weight training there are a lot who are interested in conditioning as well. I think it's a good idea admin.
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You know my thoughts already, we should not have split strength from bodybuilding, and should not present "general fitness" as being different from these things, either.

What varies because of people's goals isn't the general prescription of activity, but whether people use bodyweight, dumbells, kettlebells, barbells, machines, chunks of stone, or whatever. And just how much weight and how much food, etc.

People like to pretend there are a lot of differences in the training regimes because they like to feel elite and special and different. We shouldn't encourage that. It was a step backwards for this forum when we split strength from bodybuilding, it encouraged people to think these things are more different than they are, gave some people a corner to shout from and made this forum less friendly and welcoming to newbies.
Kyle, that is spot-on, I could not agree more with you.

Whether we like it or not- we are all bodybiulders.
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I agree with kyle its shit.

If you want to get 'fit' you better squat, bench and deadlift and do some kind of conditioning to keep lean, there's no excuses. Im sick of catering for people who 'dont like barbells' or want a routine to use for a home gym that cost them $300.

If people aimed to get a 180/140/220 total whilst staying lean there wouldn't be 'unfitness' in the world.
There is is a reasoning to the madness , it is catering to a different market , while there isn't much difference between the different catergoies but to the general population there is a difference

It's not something i woke up and decided to do , there was research on google and other sites involved to come to the conclusion , it's all about branching out to a different market .The example given of "biggest loser" is the target market , those are the people once they come can than be educated on the right way of going about getting fit
I think it comes down to who the site is aimed at.

There are a lot of people out there who don't want to get hugely strong (as the thread name "strength training" implies"), or hugely buff (as the thread name "bodybuilding training" implies")- they just want to to lose a few kg and tone a little to get healthier (to condition). While the advice they need may be in those threads, the headings can be misleading to newbies (Kyle I have no idea what the previously combined thread was called to contrast that).

So I think the "general fitness" thread is good in that way - it may give the newbies intimidated by the other more "serious" areas of the site a place to go. (Whether or not they get the training advice they need in order to get fit in that thread (re: Oli's comment earlier) is another issue).

Just my take on it. For the record - we see a lot of people brand new to training looking to condition but with nowhere to go for advice. We send them here.:)
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You know my thoughts already, we should not have split strength from bodybuilding, and should not present "general fitness" as being different from these things, either.

What varies because of people's goals isn't the general prescription of activity, but whether people use bodyweight, dumbells, kettlebells, barbells, machines, chunks of stone, or whatever. And just how much weight and how much food, etc.

People like to pretend there are a lot of differences in the training regimes because they like to feel elite and special and different. We shouldn't encourage that. It was a step backwards for this forum when we split strength from bodybuilding, it encouraged people to think these things are more different than they are, gave some people a corner to shout from and made this forum less friendly and welcoming to newbies.

There is a big difference between bodybuilding and strength i.e powerlifting, weightlifting, strongman etc

One of the reasons I stay on this forum is because of the very active strength section - it opens the door to more talk about different strength sports.

I think having a bodybuilding only section is also a big plus!

I feel that if these 2 sections were together there would be not enough room for the for the both and alot of things would go unnoticed and lost.

The general fitness section will be prob good for those ppl who are just starting out, or that are lost as to what direction to go in - so again in opens the door to new ppl coming on the forum and finding a place to post and not feeling lost.
I think it's a good idea.

Personally, I go through phases where I do a bodybuilding routine for a while, then switched to a strength routine more recently, but now will just focus on a bit of general fitness and staying active, as I'm a little injured and have alot of other things going on in my life right now.

When I resume a regular routine, I'll probably start with general bodybuilding again, which probably won't include the big barbell compounds. Then I might look at working on strength again after that.

It doesn't have to be all or nothing, one way only.
It can be a little bit of everything, variety.
Plus not everyone is just interested in weight training there are a lot who are interested in conditioning as well. I think it's a good idea admin.
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But conditioning without weight is well retarded?

If i make you carry 60 kg above your head for 2 km im going to get you fairly conditioned :P
Ah I tend to want to do most of my sprint training without weights......... Next time think outside of just weight training there are others who use strength training to improve sports performance so therefore they have to use some other modes of conditioning that does not use weights.

Whilst I love telling people to go do weighted conditioning work it is not always the best choice, also weighted conditioning is not the same as strength training it is weighted conditioning training sometimes called GPP etc etc. Also noobs some people like to run 5kms, they enjoy it and it is actually not the worst thing in the world as some people like to make it out to be.
Ah I tend to want to do most of my sprint training without weights......... Next time think outside of just weight training there are others who use strength training to improve sports performance so therefore they have to use some other modes of conditioning that does not use weights.

Whilst I love telling people to go do weighted conditioning work it is not always the best choice, also weighted conditioning is not the same as strength training it is weighted conditioning training sometimes called GPP etc etc. Also noobs some people like to run 5kms, they enjoy it and it is actually not the worst thing in the world as some people like to make it out to be.

Just seems counteractive to most peoples goals to run 5km when trying to gain size and strength...
Who is most people? Some people want strength and also to be able to run 5km well. Some people don't though not everyone has the same goals and ideals as you do. There are some guys who need to lift heavy and also run mid distances well. Would I suggest they always run 5km, no but I would have them run shorter distances plus do weighted cardio work, heavy weight training etc.
Who is most people? Some people want strength and also to be able to run 5km well. Some people don't though not everyone has the same goals and ideals as you do. There are some guys who need to lift heavy and also run mid distances well. Would I suggest they always run 5km, no but I would have them run shorter distances plus do weighted cardio work, heavy weight training etc.

When i say most people i speak from personal experience.. i.e

I know alot of people who want to be big and strong

I know no one who gives 2 shits about running except maye a few girls..

I was under the impression hit was more benefitial and the mroe you did the easier 5km running would be for you but you wouldnt have the negative effects of long distance running?
In a way yes intervals help, but those intervals will also include 500m-1km runs etc. Also HIT doing weighted sled pulls for 50m will not help, neither will high rep squats (you see what I am getting at). If you know nobody who cares about running its is probably because you do not associate with people who have differing views so go out into the world and get some more experience with different people, it will do you a world of good.
I can actually run decently now for once.. thoughi havnt done any runing trianing?


Of course i dont associate with people who have different likes to me, why would i? what would i have to talk about? The only reason we make friends with anyone is via common interests...

If you liked baking and i liked squats i doubt you would be here on this forum talking to us now..
You are not getting my overall point, the point is you do not know people outside of you niche so you obviously do not know what every one else is interested in. Therefore you should not make a blanket statement when you do not have the facts.

You can run better now because you are fitter (cardiovascular wise) it does not mean you are a good runner though.
There was once a weevil who was born in a walnut shell, munching on the walnut happily all his life, he was convinced the walnut shell he shared with his little weevil brothers was all the world. "Why would I want to speak to anyone who doesn't eat this walnut?" he asked, until one day a squirrel came and ate the walnut up with the weevils inside.