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studlovin 2013 bodytransformation


New member
traning exp : none

weight : 80 kg (skinnyfat look)

age/height : 26 / 6 foot

program: goin to run with fadis begginner program

goals : get strong , build some mass , then cut for summer

pics up soon

double bis
Workout 1
Squat. 4: 7rep. 40
Bench 3: 7rep. 40
Dead lift 4:7 rep 60
Mpress. 3:7 rep 20
Wgcu. 2: 7 rep 10 kg assist
Dips. 2: 7 reps 10kg assist
Cgcu. 2: 7 reps 10 kg assist

First workout complete 6/1/13
Squat 4:7 reps 55 kg
Bench 3: 675 reps 52.5 kg
Dead lift 3:7 reps 105 kg
M pres. 3: 774 reps 35 kg
Wgcu. 2:7 reps 7 kg assist
Squat. 4:7 reps. 60 kg
Bench. 3:7 reps. 52.5 kg
Deads. 3:5 reps. 110 kg
Mpress. 3:776 rep. 35 kg
Wgcu. 2:4. Reps. 6 kg assist
Dips. 2:76 reps. 7 kg assist
Cgcu. 2: 4 reps. 6 kg assist
Squat 4:7 reps. 62.5 kg
Bench 3:5 reps. 55 kg
Deads 3:7 reps. 110 kg
Mpres. 3:7 reps. 35 kg
Wgcu 2: 6,4 reps 6 kg assist
Dips. 2: 7 reps. 7 kg assist
Cgcu. 2: 5 4 reps 6 kg assist
Paid for it today . Had a few to many drinkies last night. Still managed PBS on all lifts though , so cheerin . Left deads and mpress today before my breakfast ended up on gym floor.

Squats 4: 7 reps 65 kg
Bench. 3:776 rep 55 kg
Wgcu. 2:74. Rep 6 kg assit
Dips . 2:54 reps. 6 kg assist
Cgcu. 2: 64 reps. 6 kg assist