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  1. M

    first "real" cycle

    From what I understand the sides of prop are pretty intense like is there anything else less mild. Most of what I know about prop is that it's more for size not so much cutting I dunno much really ay just trying to get info from as many sources as possible so I can make an informed decision
  2. M

    first "real" cycle

    Like I said above I've never jabbed I've taken small dosages of var and clen so I'm just looking to ease into something and see the results then judge my next move from there
  3. M

    first "real" cycle

    How many mg would you be looking at of prop ? Ultimately not looking to become "shredded" or anything just in the middle. Also for a first cycle is prop too much?
  4. M

    first "real" cycle

    So what do you recommend instead
  5. M

    first "real" cycle

    Not taking clen 6 weeks straight 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
  6. M

    first "real" cycle

    so over the past 10 years ive been weight training each time with a different goal depending on what i was doing ie: work school life, things get complicated sometimes but now im 25 years old and im fully focused on training now in the past ive had low doses of anavar and clen both with minimal...